Why Specify Garage Doors from Reputable Manufacturers?
The Real Reasons why a Garage Door is Cheap
If you are looking to install new garage doors to your property, then it is essential you carry out research into the possible options so that you can make an informed purchase. Please take into account all the following information in order to select the correct doors to meet your requirements.
Garage doors are available from a wide range of reputable manufacturers including Gliderol, Woodrite, Hormann, SeceuroGlide and Garador to name only a few. Choosing a door from a well known manufacturer is essential as they have years of experience specialising in nothing but garage door design and manufacture.

Cheap Garage Doors – Poor Quality & Inferior Levels of Performance
In the years since the recession hit, the market has been flooded with cheap alternatives that look like a real bargain. For example, many smaller manufacturers of roller garage doors and roller shutter doors have emerged selling products at dramatically reduced prices. What these smaller companies will not tell you is that the parts used to construct the doors are generally of inferior quality to that of the leading manufacturers.
Although garage doors can look very similar in marketing images, when inspected on a like for like basis it is always the leading manufacturers doors that come out ahead in terms of quality of product, durability, choice, design, finishing details and safety.
For example, to the uninitiated you may think a garage door motor is simply a garage door motor. This is where you would be wrong. Cheap motors tend to burn out quickly meaning replacements are required every couple of years. Also cheap imported goods often do not fully comply with EU safety legislation in relation to safety.

Non Compliant Garage Doors are an Accident Waiting to Happen
EU legislation dictates that roller garage doors fitted with a tubular motor have force limitation devices connected to prevent anyone becoming injured whilst using the door. This legislation states that the full travel of the door path is covered. The only way to fully comply with the legislation is to ensure that a safety edge is fitted to the bottom edge of the door that will stop its downward movement the instant it detects an obstruction.
Cheaper roller garage doors are generally only supplied with single photocells that do not cover the full travel of the door. They simply fire a beam across the opening that if broken will stop the door.
Where they fail is that someone could potentially become injured by the door at any point above that beam if say they are leaning into the garage to look for something. With a safety edge installed to the bottom of the door, it is impossible for injury to occur as the sensor will detect the obstruction and stop the door.
Buying a New Garage Door on Price Alone can Prove Costly
As a final consideration, if the purchase comes down to price, be sure to compare exactly what is included as standard. What may look like a tempting bargain initially may turn out to be more expensive than a garage door from a reputable manufacturer.

Roller Doors Ltd – Nationwide Supplier of UK Made Brand Name Garage Doors
Please note that Roller Doors Ltd are authorised distributors of Gliderol Garage Doors and Woodrite wooden garage doors. We believe in only supplying the best garage doors from only the very best manufactures. That way we can be sure that all of our customers receive a safe, quality product at an affordable price. All our products are fully compliant with all EU legislation. For more information on our wide range of products be sure to take a look around the rest of our website.
View a Range of High Quality Garage Doors
As a trusted and well established retailer here at Roller Doors Ltd we have a wide range of high quality physical security products for sale that represent exceptional value for money, are easy to fit and require very little ongoing maintenance making them an excellent option for any property owner looking to add security and aesthetic appeal to their home. We therefore you recommend you take a look at some of our most popular garage door options detailed below or if you would prefer to speak with us to discuss your possible options feel free to call now on 0844 804 5577 or email your enquiry to sales@rollerdoors.co.uk