Technical Specification
Insulated Roller Door
There are two main fixing options available when fitting an insulated roller garage door; You can either fit it behind the opening of your garage in what is referred to as a "face fixed" installation or, if you so choose, you can fit the door in between the opening in what is most commonly know as a "reveal fixed" installation.
Face fixed - When fitting the door in this manner it is essential that space is available each side of the opening to house the guides and enough space is available above the lintel to house the door roll. Sideroom requirements are 68mm, 70mm or 90mm depending upon the size of door required. Headroom requirements are 300mm for the standard doors and 205mm for compact doors.
Reveal Fixed - Doors that are to be fitted between the opening will result in a loss of drive through height and width. The amount of space lost will be dependent upon the type of door chosen. As such, to avoid any potential issues when selecting the right door for your garage, please contact us and we will gladly provide you with all the information you will require to make a fully informed decision.